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AT Server and Editor - Updates, New Features and Improvements

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AT dotNET Editor

22 MAY 2024
AT Editor dotNET v4.2.8901

New Free Feature - Auto Programming.
Free Simple Auto Programming function creates program in seconds

Find out more on the Auto Programming Applications Page


23 Oct 2023
AT Editor dotNET v4.2.8663

Fixed bug in print preview for multiple pages.
MAGX - updated to allow minimum of 1mA test limit for use with new CT 0.1-1 current transformer.
ACRT DCRT ACVB DCVB - removed discontinued tests that are no longer applicable.


01 Sep 2023
AT Editor dotNET v4.2.8620

Integrate new firmware download process
Migrated whole project from .NET Framework to .NET 7.
Created new installer for .NET (VS2022).
Add editor version into CSV and TXT results files.
Fixed COMM ports not enumerated correctly.
Fixed missing buttons on the "Sort by" on View Self Test Results.
Fixed results window -did not resize on stretch
Fixed resize the Text and box of the specific test.
Fixed bug when removing terminals in LL - free terminals do not show up.
Fixed filename character limitation.
Fixed Diagnostic Test issue - "INDEX WAS OUT OF RANGE".
Fixed - Added error trapping when selecting invalid COMM port when using "Download Program" and "Run Program".
Fixed software crash when entered pages from 0 to 11 pages on print
WATT fixed dialog bug on fixed amps - should allow 0.01A but was rejected
HPDC - fixed HI-LO Terminals display incorrect on the CSV column 1 Results.
SURG Allow 0.01uh min inductance in SURG settings (was 1uh) (OPP#11497)
LL - Fixed bug when removing terminals in LL - free terminals do not show up. (OPP#11547)

03 May 2023
AT Editor dotNET v4.1.8511

Fixed IR test -  terminal numbers misaligned.
Fixed Print dialog - allow select specific pages to print 
Fixed Editor with AT3600 - missing POL results.
Reorder menus for clearer separation of AT5600 only items.
Fixed VOC dialog bug on fixed Amps.
Save CSV results - tidied up and removed blank spaces in Column 1 test information.
New Feature - Added "SAVE TSV" button on "run program" for EUR customers - Results as TXT/Tab separated values file. This mirrors that new AT server TSV file format.
Fixed screen update error on delete test.
Fixed control panel icon for program.

ILK, HPAC and HPDC  Correction on limits and dialog text to allow 1uA as min
SURGE - limit # impulse to be integer only and only show integer
VOC - dialog bug on fixed Amps.

10 Feb 2023
AT Editor dotNET v4.0.8439
Changed programmable lower SURG Limits to allow 10uVS as minimum to match AT3600.
Fixed TRL, TR, CTM ratio limits as valid big ratios were sometimes mistakenly disallowed.
Improvements to AT5600 firmware download.
Fixed firmware download – occasional COM port is missing after the unit was rebooted.
Added NOTE message for user on firmware download if COM Port is missing.


14 Nov 2022
AT Editor dotNET v4.0.8332
Added a customer prompted disconnect/reconnect of USB cable  during firmware upgrade. This ensures correct first-time performance of the firmware upgrade process.


05 Oct 2022
AT Editor dotNET v4.0.8304
Fixed bug causing programs using European PC region settings using "comma" as decimal separator to crash or open incorrectly.
The "." (period) still has to be used for decimals within the program, but the software will now operate correctly on EUR region PCs.


12 Sep 2022
AT Editor dotNET v4.0.8280

Fixed bug causing programs using WATX and STRX tests to not open correctly.


17 Aug 2022
AT Editor dotNET v4.0.8259

File>Save As, Now uses existing name to prevent users from having to type in long names when making small alterations.
Fixed bug that could corrupt some CTY test form 10K to 0 ohms.
Fixed bug that could corrupt some OUT tests status on opening.
Enforced allowed file name character rules to prevent reserved windows characters (e.g., %, /) from being used. Definition now in 2.14.13 in manual.
ACIF X tests - made default radio button V, not mV for ease of programming.
Fixed fonts bug on some PCs where the minimize button text had become corrupted.

AT dotNET Server

09 AUG 2023
AT dotNET Server V4.2.8531

Fixed print preview button on Local DB not working. This allow printing of individual historical records from the localDB screen.


05 May 2023
AT dotNET Server V4.2.8494

Fixed occasionally getting TCP client error messages.

Menu labelling  - change "report" to be "Report (Local DB)" for clearer understanding - this feature is not available for your own external DB.
Add Ability to print individual historical local DB Results sheets from the localDB screen.
Printing - Right  justify the max, min, result data on both live and localDB  historical results, and units separate too, so numbers line up for ease of reading..
On install update control panel icon looks like the V3 icon.


22 Mar 2023
AT dotNET Server V4.1.8473

Menu labelling
Change "report" to be "Report (Local DB)" for clearer understanding that the build in report generator only looks to the local DB on the PC, not to any external DB you may also have enabled.

SQL – tblVoltechTestID.TestUnits
Fixed missing SQL data for R test 
SQL tables created by V3 of the server used “varchar(x)” which only supported ASCII.
SQL tables created by V4 of the server have always used nvarchar(x) which supports UNICODE.
As V4 now uses the “Ω” symbol rather than “ohms” this meant that users connecting V4 server to older legacy SQL databases would have missing entries on tblVoltechTestID.
This update now performs a silent test on any connect SQL database and updates the data types from "varchar" to "nvarchar" silently.


10 Feb 2023
AT dotNET Server v4.1.8440

Results - add 4th optional results option "TSV" to make TAB separated values file, (as TXT); this allows easier use in EUR where comma is delimiter.
Default on first install for this is OFF
Use SYSTEM CULTURE for Dates/Time and numeric format (e.g. comma for decimal in Europe).

File output - add two more file name options so BATCH is visible in file name if used
<Date>_<Batch #>_<UnitSN>
<Date>_<Batch #>_<PartNumber>_<UnitSN>.

Fixed printing- previously was always in TAB 1, but now printing is the active selected tab.

Fixed Server crashed when some REGION settings used.
Fixed unhandled exception rather than crashing silently.
Fixed Server silently fails on run.
Added more proactive checks server if unable to start properly.

If you are experiencing a crash on startup, then delete all the directories that start with the name "AT_Server_.Net..." in the location "C:\..\..\AppData\Local\Voltech_Instruments"

05 Oct 2022
AT dotNET Server v4.0.8294
Added PC IP address information to Network>Set up screen for ease of setting up AT5600 over Ethernet connections


17 Aug 2022
AT dotNET Server v4.0.8244
Better handling of invalid characters in program names when writing CSV results. This previously resulted in a crash if a Windows reserves character (e.g., “%” or “/” was used in a program name. these are now silently replaced with a “-“
CSV results - Add 4th simpler option of “<date> only” for CSV file names
Print - print preview of results fixed