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Editor and Server communications.

The legacy AT3600 and ATi testers use RS232 for the Editor and Server communications.
This is also available in AT5600 with an added connection options;
(A) Direct USB control (Editor) and , (B) DHCP over Ethernet (Server)

AT Editor Communications

There are two options in establishing the connection between the AT Editor (PC) to the AT5600.
These are by the use of RS232 cable OR a direct USB cable.
Most modern PCs will not have a native RS232 port, but AT5600 RS232 cable with a USB to RS232 converter adapter can be used.

1.  EDITOR - RS232

1.1 To control the AT5600 form the AT Editor PC Software using the RS232, the 77-015 AT Editor cable is needed
Connect the female end of the RS232 cable to the AT5600 Auxiliary port
Then the other female end to the computer (or use RS232-USB adapter if RS232 port is not available in the computer).

77-015 AT Editor Cable
77-015 AT Editor Cable
RS232 first end to AT5600 Auxiliary port
RS232 first end to AT5600 Auxiliary port

1.2 It is important to note that the 77-015 AT Editor cable has a different PIN configuration compared to some other common generic RS232 cables

The connection will only be successful if the VOLTECH 77-015 AT Editor cable is used.

RS232-USB Adapter
RS232-USB Adapter
Editor RS232 setup
Editor RS232 setup


2.1 An alternative method is with the use of a generic USB "A- B" cable.
Before the setup, a USB driver should be installed.
Please download + install the AT5600 USB Driver here.
After the installation, connect the USB ‘B’ end to the AT5600 front right USB ‘B’ port
Then connect the other end to the computer.
Final setup should be as shown.

USB “A”- ‘B” cable
USB “A”- ‘B” cable
AT5600 - Editor USB setup
AT5600 - Editor USB setup

2.2 To confirm if USB drivers are installed correctly, the computer port settings will show AT5600 (COM#).

Make sure that the AT5600 is connected and powered on so that the COM port will be automatically detected.

see Windows Device manager > Ports > COM&LPT

Connected USB
Connected USB

2.3 Once the AT5600 is visible in the device manager, the COM port can be selected in the AT Editor under Set-Up > Communications.

This then will allow programs to be downloaded or firmware updated .

Setup Comms
Setup Comms

AT Server Communications

There are two options in establishing the connection between the AT Server (PC) to the AT5600.
These are by the use of RS232 cable OR a Ethernet cable via company network.
Most modern PCs will not have a native RS232 port, but AT5600 RS232 cable with a USB to RS232 converter adapter can be used.

1.  SERVER - RS232

To communicate the AT5600 to the server using RS232, the 77-016 RS232 AT Server Cable should be used.
Connect the 25 pins end to the SERVER port in the AT5600.

77-016 RS232 AT Server Cable
77-016 RS232 AT Server Cable
AT5600 SERVER port
AT5600 SERVER port

Then connect the other end to the computer (or use RS232-USB adapter if RS232 port is not available in the computer)

RS232-USB Adapter
RS232-USB Adapter
AT5600 - Server RS232 setup
AT5600 - Server RS232 setup

Change / check that the AT5600 Server comm method is set to RS232

AT5600 Server Comm Method Setting
AT5600 Server Comm Method Setting

To confirm if the setup is successful, the list of COM ports available will show upon running the AT Server PC application 

Click to select and enable the COM port(s) to be used, and then click ‘OK’.

AT Server COM ports
AT Server COM ports

After the COM port selection, the COM# tabs will show on the AT Server Main window.

In the example, the AT5600 has 2 COM Ports available (COM3+COM4) where both are ready to receive data from the tester.

AT Server main window
AT Server main window


2.1 Another method is with the use of a generic Ethernet cable.

Connect the first end to the ethernet port of the AT5600.
Then connect the other end to a DHCP server (or a router).

Ethernet cable
Ethernet cable
AT5600 ethernet port
AT5600 ethernet port

2.2 Make sure that the computer is connected to the same network where the AT5600 is connected.

AT5600 - SERVER ethernet setup
AT5600 - SERVER ethernet setup

2.3 To confirm if the setup is successful, open the AT Server application.

Next, go to ‘Network’ tab and click ‘Enable Network Communications’.

Then click ‘Refresh’ to reload the list of the AT5600 connected to the network.

Server NETWORK tab settings
Server NETWORK tab settings

2.4 Regardless of the AT5600 set up, the unit should always be recognized by the network and be allocated an IP address by the network DHCP server

This example shows IP=

The AT5600 will need to be configured with the AT server IP address
Here it is 192.168.151

Please see this video for step by step explanation of the AT5600 front panel steps to program the Server IP address into the AT5600.

AT5600 set up
AT5600 set up


3.1 Can i use the AT5600 over Wi-Fi ?.

Yes, you can.

The AT5600 Ethernet connectivity uses the standard TCP/IP protocol.
Both the AT Server and AT5600 need to be on the same DCHP server, (and both allocated unique IP addresses from it).

Any simple WIFI repeater with an RJ45 Ethernet connection can then be used to connect the AT5600 to the DCHP server.

WiFi setup
WiFi setup