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The NEW dotNET AT Editor

New dotNET AT Editor offers free enhancements to creation and management of your test programs

Improved program management, quicker program edits, and individual test timings

The dotNET AT Editor is a complete rewrite of the AT Editor program and free for all AT users.

This has allowed us to take advantage of native MS libraries for communications, and to quickly implement new tests and features quickly as the AT5600 and AT Editor develop in the coming months.

The new version still supports the AT3600 and ATi as well as the AT5600.

Whats new?

Program Options - Auto Programming

22 May 2024

This exciting new feature allows new (or even existing ! ) users to quickly create and run a test program.

First you select from one of the pre-set transformer types and draw your schematic.

After specifying your primary winding, The Editor will then rapidly populate and run the tests and automatically and set pass fail limits.

You can then save, or edit the program. For example to narrow or widen Pass/ Fail limits , or add additional tests you may want to deploy.

Even our long term users will benefit from this new rapid creation of test programs !

Whats new?

Program Options - Batch View

This new feature allows you to quickly examine the test options for ALL the programs in a chosen folder, so that you can rapidly review these options and quickly make amendments to your test program library.

The Viewer shows the status for all programs in your chosen folder.

This allows you to quickly review the options for Serial numbering, Batch numbering, Operator, Stop on fail, Printing and all the other possible test options, without the need to open each individual test file.

Edits can then be quickly made, and the report refreshed to confirm consistency of your test protocols.

Whats New ?

Quickly Re-Order And Duplicate Tests

The test list now has a right-click context menu for easier management of tests.

Move test Up / Down – the selected test will be moved up or down the list

Duplicate Test – the selected test will be duplicated, and a copy inserted after the current selection. This is helpful when programming a sweep of tests for example over a range of frequencies, where the majority of the test conditions are the same, but you wish to change only one or two parameters, such as frequency and Pass /Fail limits..

Whats New ?

Individual Test Times (AT5600 Only)

The Editor results screen is now resizable, which makes debugging longer test program sequences easier.

AT5600 users can also benefit by the ability to see the test execution times for each individual test you have programmed.

Results can still be saved to CSV, printed to a PC printer ( or PDF) , as well as a new export option to PDF your results AND the test program together.

Frequently Asked Questions

click a question to see answer

Yes, the program *.ATP files are independent of the Editor – the program syntax is still the same.
Programs created on the old legacy Editor can be opened on the new dotNET Editor and vice versa.
The only exception here is if you use any of the new AT5600 tests we will be releasing – these will only be available on the new dotNET Editor and programs containing them cannot be opened on the old Editor.

Yes, the dotNET editor can be used to author programs for the AT3600 and ATi, as well as the new AT5600.
Legacy users can take advantage of the built in Batch Options viewer and GUI improvements for free.

Yes, both can be installed on a  windows PC at the same time, without conflict, as they are totally independent programs.