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AT5600 Calibration + Verification

Overview of the AT5600 Calibration & AT5600 Verification Processes

Basic Principle Of Calibration

a. The AT5600 is calibrated using a calibration fixture fitted with high stability reference impedances.
This process is performed using controlled Voltech software which is documented on the calibration certificate

b. These impedances are characterized using a reference LCR meter (Keysight E4980AL) and a precision multi-meter (Keysight 3458A). This characterization consists of 850 software controlled measurements between 20 Hz and 3 MHz

c.The reference LCR meter and precision multi-meter are calibrated and verified at the manufacturers recommended interval using an accredited ISO 17025 calibration authority, who issue calibration certificates for these instruments.

Basic Principles Of Verification

a. The calibrated AT5600 is then thermally cycled in a chamber, cooled, and then verified using a verification fixture fitted with high stability reference components.

b. This verification fixture uses components that are significantly different to the components used on the calibration fixture to minimize the possibility of a calibration error being wrongly verified.

c. These impedances are also independently characterized and verified as described above in 1b and 1c

AT5600 Verification Fixture
AT5600 Verification Fixture

Calibration Certificate

a. The calibration certificate serves to verify that calibration and verification has taken place.

b. It also summarizes the results of verification, and details the traceable standards used in these processes